We Focus on The Competency Framework Person Specifications and Supporting Statements To Secure Permanent £18000 35000 Jobs Free Taster Course Avoid Wasting Your Time and Money All clients are offered the chance to complete a taster course Every Monday to review your skills knowledge and experiences against the competency framework and person specification for permanent £18-35K job roles. This process will help you avoid wasting your time and money by honestly assessing your strengths weaknesses and your real employability prospects upon completion of the 5 day course. The taster course will also help you scrutinise and establish our capacity experience and expertise in addition to providing you with the assurance in our ability to help you secure a good quality job before you commit your time and money. Amplify Your Skills Knowledge And Experiences We work closely with all our clients to help construct effective and relevant supporting statements and Cvs which closely follow the competency framework for 18-35K jobs. We help our clients amplify their knowledge skills and experiences by developing succinct and engaging narratives using pertinent examples based on each individuals professional academic and personal background all of which helps secure short listing for permanent £18-35K job interviews. 5 Day Social Housing and Public Sector Job Ready Programme Day1 Free Taster Day The Competency Framework Asb and Estate Management Day 2 Rent Management Nosp Repairs and Maintenance Day 3 Tenancy Management Re-Housing Options Voids and Lettings Resident Involvement Day 4 Customer Service Standards Job Search Tips Letter Writing Exercise Developing Cv s and Supporting Statements Day 5 Assessment and Interview Day Scenarios In-Tray Prioritisation Exercise Aptitude Test Group Exercise Cultural and Technical Interviews 6 Month Employability and Job Ready Support Cv content and style Supporting Statements Covering Letters which effectively amplify your skills knowledge and experiences Interview and Assessment Preparation Regular Housing Job Alerts Social Housing and Public Sector Jobs No Experience Required To solve typical day to day housing problems you do not need a high level of theoretical or academic knowledge in housing nor do you require experience of working in social housing. To effectively illustrate the transferable skills and competencies required for entry level social housing management roles consider the following typical scenarios Rent Arrears I have just lost my job and applied for housing benefit. I can t afford to pay the full rent this month. What can I do to avoid legal action and being evicted? Anti Social Behaviour Mrs Campbell has no control over her son. He and his friends are always congregating in the front entrance and within the communal hallway to the block of flats looking intimidating and often smoking drugs and his mother simply does nothing about it. Lifestyle Clash My neighbour has strong smelling foods coming from her flat everyday. The smells are overpowering and are just too much for me Maintenance My heating and hot water has broken down and I have 2 children who are under 5. Estate Management The chair of the residents association has made a complaint about the cleaning and gardening on the estate. There are dumped fridges and sofas which have taken 2 months to collect and which have attracted more dumped rubbish the grass is overgrown and the lifts constantly smell of urine. Tenancy Management My neighbour is a young Asian man but recently I haven t seen him around. Instead I ve seen a Brazilian flag go up on the kitchen window and about 5 or 6 people regularly coming and going through the day and night and it s only a one bedroom flat. Vulnerable Client An old age pensioner has come into the housing office after loosing her keys. She is distraught and wants to get back into her flat. Voids and Lettings I am on the homeless register and I viewed a new property yesterday but I didn t like the open plan kitchen a
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