Immediately required qualified and experienced part-time Visiting lecturers in Any One of the following subject majors A) Hospitality Management B) Pharmacology C International Relations D) Mathematics Applied Statistics E) 3d Animation F) Multimedia Web Authoring G) Relational Database Development H) Journalism The teaching will be at both at undergraduate Postgraduate levels. Preference will be given to current holders of similar positions at UK public-sector institutions and with at least 3 years teaching experience or 5 years professional experience Preference will be given to recently retired faculty members of UK public sector institutions. There are Six Positions A) Hospitality Management To teach any one or more topics of the following Hospitality Marketing Planning Managing Finance for Strategic Manager in the Hospitality Industry Hospitality Small Business Enterprise Hospitality Human Resource Management B) Pharmacology To teach any one or more topics of the following Principles of Pharmacology Drug Discovery Development Pharmacology and Physiology Pharmaceutical Law and Practice Pharmaceutical Management Pharmaceutical Distribution Network Medical Malpractice Liability Clinical Drug Research Medical Product Regulatory Affairs Branding in the Pharmaceutical Industry Environmental Health and Control of Indoor Pollutants Pharmaceutical Marketing Principles of Herbal Medicine C) International Relations To teach a wide range of courses in international politics at both undergraduate Postgraduate levels D) Mathematics Applied Statistics To teach one or more of the following topics at postgraduate level Advanced Mathematical Methods Numerical Analysis Applied Mathematics Applied Statistics Stochastic Processes Time Series Analysis Operational Research Stochastic Models in Operational Research Optimisation in Operational Research Computational Mathematics E) 3d Animation To teach one or more of the following topics at Undergraduate postgraduate levels Multimedia Video Editing 3d 2d Multimedia Design Animation Development Design Requirements Professional graphic designer with at least 5 years experience and good qualification F) Multimedia Web Authoring To teach one or more of the following topics at Undergraduate postgraduate levels Computer Game Design Development Multimedia Web Design Web Authoring Development Internet Programming G) Relational Database Programme design application Development Good track of record on the design development of relational database application. Candidate must show evidence of self-developed database programme design on real time applications. Good academic qualification at Masterrs degree level. Reaserch student applications may also be considered. Qualification Required UK Masters degree or Professional qualifications where appropriate For Post (D) candidates must have a UK PhD degree in Mathematics Applied Statistics H) Journalism Good track of Professional Teaching records Candidate must show evidence of self-developed practice in Print Broadcast journalism Good academic qualification at Masterrs degree level. Reaserch student applications may also be considered.
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